Birnam Library regular hours are:
Thursday 5:00 to 7:00pm
Friday 12:00 to 5:00pm
Saturday 9:30am to 12:00pm
Full information on opening hours, including any seasonal hours and key dates can be found by visiting
Books can be reserved via the library catalogue. Or, to sign up head to Culture Perth & Kinross
Culture Perth & Kinrossis working with Perth & Kinross Council to undertake a review of the library services offered. The last review was completed in 2013/14, and there have been many changes for communities since then.
The survey will take between 10-15 minutes to completed, and is for users and non-users, to share their experiences and views to help inform conclusions and recommendations of the review.
All data is anonymous. If you would like to participate in a further focus group discussion, or would like to be added to their mailing list, you can do so at the end of the survey. There is also an opportunity to be entgerested into a prize draw to win £50 worth of National Book Tokens.
Due to staff holidays and illness we are extremely short staffed. As a result, today the cafe will not open until 11.00am. We are also operating with fewer tables.
We thank you for your understanding.
Our shop and the Beatrix Potter and art exhibitions are open as usual from 10.30am until 3.30pm.