Created with the company by director Anna Newell,
composer David Goodall and choreographer Stevie Prickett
A whimsical adventure featuring bobble hats, scarves and tents that have a life of their own and, of course, lots of fun in wellies! FOUR GO WILD IN WELLIES is a totally charming new show for audiences aged 3+ years from Indepen-dance, Scotland’s inclusive professional dance company.
Created with the company by director Anna Newell, composer David Goodall and choreographer Stevie Prickett who, as a team, have worked together creating work for younger audiences as far afield as South Africa and off Broadway. The show is very colourful and, as it’s a mesmerising visual show full of humour, it will capture the imagination of the young ones – we guarantee the kids will love this! Indepen-dance was founded in 1996 by Karen Anderson on the principle of access, participation and integration for those with or without disabilities. ”
“I really want audiences to come and be a part of what we do, to see the challenges, the achievements, and the joy that inclusive companies bring to the stage in their dance"