Four Go Wild in Wellies is a whimsical adventure featuring bobble hats, scarves, tents that have a life of their own and, of course, lots of fun in wellies! A playful look at the joy of inventiveness and curiosity, the negotiation of social structures, and how friendships are built, broken and mended as play emerges from interaction with each other and with the world around them. From Indepen-dance, Scotland’s inclusive professional dance company.
Director Anna Newell
Composer David Goodall
Choreographer Stevie Prickett
Indepen-dance is an award-winning inclusive dance company for disabled and non-disabled people to enjoy, express, and fulfil their potential through dance. Our artistic approach is to ensure the arts, and dance in particular, are inclusive, and that children, young people and adults who are disabled are fully included in the creative process.