Atholl Cailleachs at Birnam Arts
Sat 8 Mar
The Atholl Cailleachs | Auditorium
19:30 - 21:30
Doors Open 19:00

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Growing from strength to strength

Birnam Arts continues to thrive… how could we not, with all the wonderful support from our community!

Importantly, that community is not just those who live in the nearby area but stretches across much of Perthshire, and Scotland. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

Expressions of support

As well as the incredible support given October 2020 in our crowdfunder, we've been supported by a new corporate supporter, Macintryre Wealth Management. In 2020, they donated a ballet barre to Birnam Arts Ballet School as part of their 12 Days of Christmas community giving #12daysofMWM.

#12daysofMWM 2021

This year they have gifted a paper cutter, and while that might not seem as exciting, it is something that will be of use to visiting artists and staff alike. It will allow for the production of booklets and zines, workshop materials, activity sheets for young visitors to the Beatrix Potter exhibition, and posters to help promote the wonderful events and festivals held in our venue.

We are incredibly thankful to be able to add these types of tools to the different expressions of creativity and art.

Stepping up our technology across the building

Two key projects that have taken place over the past year have been our new branding package and website.

We are so excited to see where these will take us in the future. Importantly, the new website allows us to bring together information about our activities across the three important streams of our work: supporting our Community, the Arts in Perthshire and Scotland, and keeping our business channels relevant so that we can continue with the other two.

We’ve used the time with limited access to our building to update much of the infrastructure.

As restrictions allowed, we've updated the lighting in the Gallery to be able to focus on specifics works, added new lighting in the Gift Shop to be able to see the beautiful ranges available to choose from, and the lighting in the Auditorium. We can now boast state-of-the-art LED theatre and house lighting, which further increases the versatility of the room, and allows us to help you create the ambiance you need for your meeting or event. 

We've also expanded the coverage of the wifi throughout the building, offering much faster download and upload speeds of up to 100mbps across Birnam Arts. The package includes a dedicated log on for conference organisers which protects their bandwidth further.

To support audio visual needs, we've upgraded our projector, which is linked to our dedicated conferencing laptop via HDMI, and added a Blue-ray system for any film showings. Add to that  two roving mics, a lapel mic and up to 6 stationery mics, and we are set to support your conference or event AV requirements.  

Each of these upgrades mean that Birnam Arts stays current and relevant as a destination for those seeking to host an event, attend a concert, enjoy an exhibition, meet a friend for lunch or colleague for a bite to eat, find that perfect present for a loved one

New faces to greet you 

Another demonstration of the greater community support for Birnam Arts is the funding we've received for increased and specialised staffing, as well as the capital expenditures required for the important upgrades.

Since the summer, we've welcomed three new part-time staff to fill the roles of gift shop manager, accountant, and communications & marketing manager. We've also been able to increase the hours of the Arts Programming staff, to be able to better support our community and local artists. And we've also enticed a wonderful young chef to call Birnam Arts his home. Each new staff member brings expertise to their role, and we couldn't be happier with the team.

With all of these changes and upgrades, we are optimistic for our future. We continue to monitor restrictions, and look forward to welcoming more and more people and activities back to Birnam Arts.  


Image Gallery

Crowdfunder 2020

Birnam Arts News

Map showing Birnam Arts and conference centre in Scotland

Opening Times

Box Office
Open periodically throughout the week | Book online 24/7

Daily | 10 - 4

Birnam Arts
Station Road
Birnam Dunkeld
Tel: 01350 727 674


Welcome to Birnam Arts, a boutique multi-purpose arts, conferencing and entertainment venue.


Pop in to the Foyer Cafe for breakfast, grab a delicious coffee with a selection of our homemade baking or enjoy a light lunch whilst browsing on the free WiFi. Wander upstairs to view the latest of our monthly art exhibitions before visiting the world of Beatrix Potter, or the Gift Shop to purchase a special gift for your loved ones or yourself!

Star Star Star Star Star

Have always enjoyed BA whether for coffee or concerts. I look forward to many more years of enjoyment.

Rebecca Forbes   |   Crowdfunder #savebirnamarts 2020

  • Entrance

  • Kinnaird

  • Cafe

  • Beatrix Potter

  • Shop

  • Gallery

  • Studio