LIFE is set in a drawing class. There is a gentle invitation for audience to draw or doodle during the show, or simply watch the story emerge. Drawing materials are provided with some onstage seats available at easels.
Estelle models for The Artist. Despite decades of experience, she has never sat for a session like this and with such an outcome, both unexpected, yet strangely inevitable.
LIFE is an exciting new work from Maria MacDonell (Miss Lindsay’s Secret) performed with Leo MacNeill (Them is Brothers), directed by Ben Harrison (Grid Iron) ‘Beautifully written and invites curiosity’ * * * * * North West End UK
***** North West End UK
**** Corr Blimey Review
**** Edinburgh Guide
**** Quinntessential Review
We have a BSL interpreter avaliable for this show. Please get intouch and let us know if this is something you require.
Duration of performance 65 mins
Suitability 14+
Content Warnings Mild swearing, themes of a sexual nature, references to death,
sexual, domestic and physical violence. Please note that whilst LIFE deals with difficult themes, it is portrayed in a humorous and entertaining way.